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Khanapara Teer Common Number Today (19th September 2024)

Finding a common number for Khanapara Teer is a crucial thing among many players of this very popular game in India. They want to find the common number because they believe it will be the winning number.

 There are many different ways one can calculate the common number, and here we will present information that you need to take into account when searching for a such number.

 Khanapara Teer Common Number Today

 Here you can find the list with the Khanapara Teer common number for today’s game. This table is updated every day and these numbers will be interesting to you if you want to use this method when playing the game. Of course, you do not have to use it, but if you believe it will lead you to victory, feel free to play any of the numbers that we present in our list.


Updated 2024-06-16

Khanapara Teer Common Number

(Date: 15 June 2024)
Direct Numbers House Ending
94, 49, 90, 09, 92, 29, 34, 43, 30, 03, 32, 23, 64, 46, 60, 06, 62, 26, 40, 02, 20, 93, 36, 96 2, 4, 0 6, 3, 9

 Khanapara Teer Previous Results

 The first thing you might search for if you are interested in finding a common number are the previous results of Khanapara Teer. Most of these previous results can be found online, as the daily results are always posted online. We have a list of previous results as well as common numbers so you can use it to find the numbers for the next Khanapara Teer game.

 Besides using our website, you can visit our page on Facebook and search for similar information. Moreover, we provide a list of dream numbers for Khanapara Teer. Therefore, we offer a lot of information that are quite useful for all fans of Khanapara Teer.

Khanapara Teer Target and Hit Number

 If you are more interested in the hit number, or the target number, do not fret! These numbers are always almost the same as the common number, as they show the average number of times that the arrow has hit the target.

 If you play Khanapara Teer, numbers and methods such as the mentioned ones will be useful for you, but you should not rely only on them as you need to have a bit of luck to win in Khanapara Teer as well.

 Khanapara Teer Target Number Formula

 Some players believe they can use different mathematic formulas to calculate the next winning number in Khanapara Teer. While some may be right, there is really no way to prove that they were absolutely correct when calculating such things.

 On our website, we offer a daily teer formula that analyses the previous results and offers you different common or target numbers. The teer formula method offered here may not be the only way to find the common number in teer and that is why the formula may not give you the exact result of the Khanapara Teer target number.

 Khanapara Teer Previous Common Numbers

 Here you can find the common numbers for the past few days. We keep a record of the previous common number, pretty much in the same way that we keep track of the previous results of Khanapara Teer. Protection Status